FFX Remake

To the chagrin of FFVII fans everywhere, Square-Enix yesterday announced that they are remaking Final Fantasy X for the PS3 and PSV. Me though, I’m overjoyed. I might even get a PS3 one day now that it has a game coming out for it.

I love FFX. I wrestle over whether I like VII or X more, but I really think I have to say the latter is the better game. I love everything about it (Except certain moments of voice acting). The aesthetic, the setting, the architecture, the battle system, the Sphere Grid, the music, the characters, everything. So I’m pretty excited to see what they will do with this.

Though all these FF rereleases and such make it kind of hard to mock Nintendo fans.

It’ll be a delicate balance. FFX isn’t perfect, but it’s a lot easier to mess it up than to improve it. Of course we want more than just graphical updates; FFX has aged fairly well for a 3D game anyway. I must presume the stuff from the European/International edition will be included, but hopefully there will be more besides this, more monsters, more areas, just MORE FFX, without changing the core game.

I also hope they redo Blitzball. I don’t care what anyone says, it was the best FF minigame ever (With the possible exception of Mog House). But there needs to be MORE of it. Two dozen teams, thousands of players (Make every single person IN THE WORLD a potential Blizter), and make it into underwater FIFA in terms of gameplay, where the stats are hidden and things are more dynamic.

Also add a whole bunch of endgame content and more summons and change absolutely NOTHING about Wakka because he is truly a god among men.

What do you hope to see come out of this? And what games do you want to see remade, for that matter?

9 thoughts on “FFX Remake”

  1. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it a hundred times over: the only thing that can get me to buy a PS3 is a FFVII remake. I love FFX – in fact, I just replayed it this summer – but it was pretty darn awesome the first time around, and I don’t see them improving it enough to warrant a remake. GIMME MY REMASTERED YUFFIE, DAMMIT.

  2. FFX has been on my list of “games to finish” for a long time, being one of those games I got 3/4 of the way through before “taking a break” (due to my neurotic need to finish all the side-quests, but getting bored with the side-quests). And now they’re remaking the game. This is another reminder to make me feel old – it’s really been 10 years since the release?

    With that said I feel like the game held up fairly well and it didn’t even occur to me that it needed to be remade. Why not remake one of the PS1-era FFs?

    1. Precisely because it’s easier to just update the assets of a more recent game like X than to essentially make an entirely new game like redoing FFVII or something would require. Or so I heard.

  3. If the PAL content is not included in the remake, I will be excessively sad. If it is, I’ll probably buy a PS3 and all that jazz. Never played VII (primarily because I’m a Nintendo kid), but I loved X.

  4. You know, Final Fantasy games have been those games that I just could not get into. (With the sole exception being FFTA.) I’ll sit down and start playing one but I get incredibly bored and end up putting it away. I think the farthest progress I ever made in one was like halfway through disc 2 of FFVIII.

    I’m not a big fan of remakes for the most part, unless it’s pretty much a direct port of the original game I came to know and love. Heartgold and Soulsilver did an excellent job of this. Another remake I’d love is for Super Mario RPG.

    1. I have to agree; the Pokemon remakes (I’ve only played FireRed, but I’ve heard good things about the others as well) are probably the best example I can think of of video game remakes done well.

  5. I have never heard so many good things said about X in one place. Not to mention they are all things I agree with. Wakka is amazing, and I freaking loved Blitzball. I played that more than the actual game xD

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