Tag Archives: memories

For The Very First Time

I don’t remember my first video game. Not because it wasn’t memorable, but because I was, quite honestly, playing them since before I can remember. They were introduced to me very early on in my life. A story I am fond of telling about this involves a scrapbook my parents kept when I was a baby. There is a segment for “Baby’s Favorite Games” which supposedly is dedicated for stories about Peekaboo and Pat-a-cake. My section details Pac-Man, Dig-Dug, Donkey Kong, and Pitstop.

Mister Adequate has a similar story– he doesn’t remember what his first game was, either!

We do have very early memories, though. A few of mine include:

  • Video games popping up suspiciously in dreams (and nightmares.)
  • Getting in trouble for saying a swear word during a particularly scary part of a game (I had no idea that it was a swear word! Also, that game was called Lunar Outpost, and it really did get scary after a while.)
  • My dad holding me up so I could reach the controls of a Super Mario Bros. arcade machine at a store somewhere.
  • Greatly enjoying a “game” about Christmas on a tiny monitor– I was very, very young for this, because we upgraded to a much bigger monitor in short order. I must have still been in diapers.
  • Staying indoors during recess of Kindergarden year so I could play Word Munchers on a green-screen IBM. I also merrily did this to occupy myself during a Parent-Teacher Conference, and I overheard my teacher remarking to my parents that I was the class’s “computer whiz”– the first time I’d ever heard the term.

These are some of my earliest memories. I remember more and more as I get a little older, but picking an earliest is hard to do.

Do you remember your first game? What are some of your memories?