Assassin’s Creed 3

I’m not gonna lie: I never got around to playing much of the Assassin’s Creed series. While the premise looked interesting, it was never quite interesting enough for me to give it a shot.

Then Assassin’s Creed 3 was announced.

For starters, it takes place in colonial America. For those who aren’t aware, I am a major sucker for anything that takes place during this time period.

Look at this. LOOK AT THIS. I want to run around here forever.

Then, they started announcing several tantalizing details. Here is some select information from Game Informer:

  • “You will see the great fire of New York. You will visit Valley Forge as a location that is currently occupied by Washington’s forces. You will visit these places in the moment that they were important, and hopefully, experience the reason why we know where they are today. That’s the goal.”
  • Not all the Colonists will be cast as good people, and not all the British will be cast as evil oppressors. They’re trying to focus on how both the Assassins and Templars viewpoints exist in a gray morality as the Templars really believe they’re saving the world.
  • The wilderness traversal plays a big part in the gameplay in the Frontier, allowing you to use trees, cliffs, ledges, and more to set up kills and combat.
  • The world changes as time passes, so a field where a battle happened in one year may just be a series of empty encampments a few months later.
  • The entire world will change with seasons, so the cities and the wilderness will all exist in both Summer and Winter settings.
  • In the winter, soldiers will move slowly and stumble about in the snow, and lakes and rivers will freeze over allowing you to go new places. This gives Connor an extra advantage since he can still use the trees and wilderness pretty effectively during this time of year.

This is just a small sample of the stuff they’re talking about.  Now I don’t know about you guys, but when you take all of the above stuff and toss it in a blender with some delicious Redcoat uniforms, you get Pike throwing her wallet at the screen and wondering why nothing is happening.

Who else is excited?

3 thoughts on “Assassin’s Creed 3”

  1. I’m with you. I’ve had people I know raving about the Assassin’s Creed games for a while now trying to get me to play them, but I just never got interested enough to actually play any of them. This one most definitely has my interest. At the very least I will be watching it closely to decide if it turns out as something I will want to pick up.

  2. Those wide open streets are going to be annoying, and I have no real interest in American history but it’s an Assassin’s Creed game so of course i’ll have to play it.

  3. Didn’t click with the first game, although I had upgraded my PC at that time and could easily accommodate it. Haven’t tried the second one. Honesty prompts me to say I’ll try the third if there’s a playable demo but no real enthusiasm here yet.

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