My Happy Place

Lately I’ve been playing Super Mario RPG. This game is, as I’ve written before, one of my all-time favorites, and it gladdens me to see that, replaying it years later, I still love it.

One of the things I’ve noticed about it is how relentlessly upbeat the game is, between the happy music, happy visuals, and overall way that it doesn’t take itself too seriously. The result is a game that, almost unfailingly, cheers me up and puts me in a good mood. It’s really been helpful during these last couple of weeks where work is stressful and piling more hours on me. At least I can come home and play some Super Mario RPG and cheer up a bit.

It's almost like Pinkie Pie made the game.

Do you have a video game happy place?

One thought on “My Happy Place”

  1. For me I have two places: Anywhere in the Pokemon universe, particular Kanto, being part of the inaugural class of 1998. (Good lord I feel old now.) Star Wars: The Old Republic is the other. I’ve always enjoyed questing in a world with a fantastic story and not only do I have eight different stories to play through, I’m currently enjoying the Jedi consular story with a special someone, with her playing a healer and me playing a tank.

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