World’s Biggest Pac-Man

It has come to my attention that not everyone is aware of this brilliance, so I’m here to rectify that.

First, an intro. Pac-Man was one of the very first video games I ever played. I don’t even know how young I must have been– two or three– either way, I don’t remember not knowing what Pac-Man is and how to play it.

In the years since, I play versions it sometimes when I’m feeling retro. It’s held up well, but it doesn’t keep my attention as long as it used to when I was a little kid. The same maze over and over just got old.

This is pretty great, though.

So. Guys. This. The World’s Biggest Pac-Man.

At first, I assumed it was just a bunch of player-made mazes that you’d play through one at a time. Eh, okay, I’d give it a shot, it’s something different. I picked a maze at random and began the game. I was about halfway through when I decided to use one of the tunnels to get a ghost off of my tail and warp over to the other side. You know, like a normal Pac-Man game.

My mind. Was. BLOWN. When it took me to another maze.

After that I was hooked. If I start this game up, I’m inevitably going to be playing it for a really long time. I don’t know if I’ve ever been so thoroughly impressed by a version of Pac-Man. But this. THIS. I dunno. The desire to “see all the mazes” is just ridiculously strong. Stronger than you may initially think.

So go check it out, but BE WARNED: It may suck your entire day away.

Oh, and some of these mazes are truly devious. It’s great.

3 thoughts on “World’s Biggest Pac-Man”

  1. The best part? It’s entirely HTML5/CSS3/Javascript. No Flash, no Java: it’s a pure browser game.

    The worst part? “Made for Internet Explorer 9.” I haven’t seen placards like that for ten years. Why does Microsoft want to go back to the first dot-com bubble?

  2. Oh, and I just checked out that Pac-man game. Really cool. Although i found myself actually wandering to other mazes more that i actually finished them… but whatever, it was cool!

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