Tag Archives: thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m sure all our American readers are too busy eating and being incredibly full to be able to make the effort to read right now, but we at The Android’s Closet just wanted to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving! Here are some of the things I’m thankful for:

I’m thankful for having millions of zombies to kill with a variety of creative weapons.

I’m thankful for an abundance of Paradox map painting Asperger’s simulators and the believable worlds that ensue.

Vive la Quebec libre!

I’m thankful for those rare games with a great story.

Clementine will remember this.

I’m thankful for all the years of older vidya we can always go back to and play through one more time.

So won’t you come and play with me, here among the teeming mass of humanity? The universe has spared us this moment.

And I’m thankful for having a wonderful girlfriend in the form of Pike to share all this videogaming goodness with, and to blog with, and to derp around with.

And you.